Get Up, Stand Up

Author: Ricardo Sosa, PhD Serve to:All design educators Time: One minute Cost: Your time Difficulty:Easy Background Perhaps you, like me, have always taught and presented at conferences in a standing position. As it turns out, how we use our bodies is as important in online interactions as it is in face-to-face situations. It took meContinue reading “Get Up, Stand Up”

12 Ways to Check your Briefs

Author: Ricardo Sosa, PhD Serve to:Studio instructors Time: A couple of hours to a few days Cost: Your time Difficulty:Medium Background Studio learning is a “signature pedagogy” of contemporary design education with origins in fine arts schools. These days there is a wide range of flavours and practices that characterise design studios, from basic foundationContinue reading “12 Ways to Check your Briefs”

The Guide to Creating Distance Design Courses is finally here!

As noted in this post, it’s been a bit quiet because time’s gone into producing the new guide for Creating Distance Design Courses, which is now available here: It took a bit longer than expected (it started out as a blog post but ended up being a 20k word monster!), so there’s a fewContinue reading “The Guide to Creating Distance Design Courses is finally here!”

Recipe: Making the design process visible

Lawson famously noted that, in observing the design process, “…there is not a lot of action to be seen and what is there cannot be readily understood.” (Lawson, 2005 p.216). This gives us a bit of a challenge in distance design education: if it’s hard enough to ‘see’ it in a traditional setting, how doContinue reading “Recipe: Making the design process visible”

Recipe: Online final design reviews

Jolanda Morkel, Department of Architectural Technology and Interior Design, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South AfricaJo Berben, Faculty of Architecture and Arts, Hasselt University, BelgiumSteven Feast, Architecture and Interior Architecture, School of Design and the Built Environment, Curtin University, Australia Introduction The final design review, also known as the portfolio review or design jury, isContinue reading “Recipe: Online final design reviews”

Recipe: The Blackboard studio model

This recipe was inspired by a discussion with Steve Rigley (@s_rigley) and a studio model he and colleague Jo Petty used to maintain at the Glasgow School of Art. Central to the general studio in graphic design was The Blackboard. A real blackboard, by the way. With chalk. The Blackboard became the central organising technologyContinue reading “Recipe: The Blackboard studio model”

Assessment – some notes

Edited by Derek Jones and Jolanda Morkel Meetup 02 focused on assessment and in particular on what changes design educators are considering in response to current crises. You can find the live notes from the session here. If anyone from the session spots anything we’ve missed or wishes to edit anything then please let meContinue reading “Assessment – some notes”

Recipe: Studio model: The Chunky studio

This recipe follows on from the first #DistanceDesignEd discussion, where we spent a bit of time talking about chunks of learning. A chunk is an informal term for a piece of learning and teaching that is easily packaged to make it: easy to understand as a whole; relatively quick to complete; with a clear outcomeContinue reading “Recipe: Studio model: The Chunky studio”

Virtual Design Studios

The design studio is a signature pedagogy in art and design education (Crowther 2013; Shulman 2005). It provides a physical, social and cultural place within which students can simulate real world practice without the associated risks and with expert practitioner and pedagogical support in the form of the studio tutor (Schön 1987; Kimbell 2011). Therefore,Continue reading “Virtual Design Studios”

Recipe: Make crisis your curriculum

If you’re a design educator who is/has been a practitioner, how many times did you have a perfect submission deadline? One you completed well in advance with no last minute panics? No last minute plotter ink running out? Hard drive packing up with that 1.1GB PS file? Never? Feel free to post in the commentsContinue reading “Recipe: Make crisis your curriculum”

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